Events RMG Announcements

Success at Cloud & Cyber Security Expo London

We can't believe the recent success at the Cloud & Cyber Security Expo London. We spoke to hundreds of people from students looking for advice on next steps, to IT directors and organisations looking to partner with us.

It was amazing to see so many people getting together in the field of which we have set our passion.

What we will say - Ethics is becoming somewhat blurred it seems. We noticed Claims about products that later questions revealed where not possible unless certain circumstances were met, or marketing 5 different terms for the same product.

Keep it simple, keep it safe.

A quote from our Director we noted down as he was talking to one of our new potential clients

"Most Cyber Security companies have unfortunately become hackers by proxy, using fear and technobabble to influence or pressure companies into parting with their money. We don't do that"

Thank you for all the talks, taking some of our merch or letting us scan your badge, We will see you soon!




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